Chestnuts Daiquiri
7 cl Dark Rum
2 cl Lime
3 bar spoon Chestnut Cream
2 drops Aromatic Bitter 900/Orange Bitter Angostura.
Guarnish: Small glass with chestnuts cream and a spoon
Technique Shake & Strain into a Double Martini Glass. Mix the chestnuts cream with lime juice to soften it; add dark rum (preferably Pampero Especial) and aromatc bitters, then shake. Strain into the martini glass and garnish with a small glass with chestnuts cream and a spoon.
Christmas variant of the Daiquiri cocktail made with chestnuts conceived by Edoardo Redaelli, bar manager at the Caffè Novecento Tirano, in the province of Sondrio, Italy.