Rum Brulè
Ingredients for 4 people:
800ml Apple juice
250ml Rum
100ml Orange juice
1 Vanilla pod
1 tablespoon of Cinnamon powder
8 sticks of Cinnamon
12 stigmas of Anise
1 teaspoon Nutmeg
2 tablespoons Brown Sugar
Bring to boil the apple juice with the brown sugar; add orange juice, vanilla, cinnamon - both the powder and the sticks -, anise, nutmeg and finally rum. Stir until the sugar is melted completely. Filter the obtained product and garnish with cinnamon sticks and star anise.
The Rum Brulé is a typical winter drink with intense flavor enhanced by vanilla, cinnamon, anise and nutmeg. We suggest to serve it very hot.
Recipe by lespezie.net