SoBar Alohe Cocktail
30 ml Ketel One Vodka
30 ml Campari Bitter
60 ml Pink Grapefruit Juice
15 ml Aloe Vera Juice
15 ml Rose Syrup
10 ml Fresh Pomegranate
Guarnish: pomegranate seeds, grapefruit peel
Shake and Double Strain. Pour vodka, campari bitter, pink grapefruit juice, aloe vera juice, rose syrup and fresh pomegranate into a boston shaker; shake all the ingredients with ice and double strain in freezed double m artini glass; guarnish with pomegranate seeds and a grapefruite peel.
“I created this cocktail to associate the purely alcoh(buc)olic look, to the rejuvenating aloe vera features. The result is a drink delicate and harmonious, the name of which is naturally obtained from a play on words between its base component (aloe) and a welcome message to customers of SoBar expressed in Hawaiian language (aloha): SoBar Alohe Cocktail.”
by Enzo Minieri, Manager at SoBar in Pozzuoli, Naples